Psychological Justice is the recognition that the inner world should be valued. Thoughts, feelings, imagination, intuition, and the entirety of interior experiences—both conscious and unconscious— are essential aspects of personal and relational wellbeing.
Institutional cultures that exploit and oppress individuals do so by dehumaniziation, which is the demeaning and devaluing of subjective psychology.
Psychological justice demands that the places we work, learn and live acknowledge and respect the inner humanity of all people.
Social justice is the advocacy for the compassionate treatment of all human beings, regardless of their social identities.
Differences based on ethnicity, race, gender, attractionality, economic class, ability/disability, age, and spiritual beliefs should, at very least, be legally respected and socially tolerated, if not celebrated. Social Justice fights historical, institutional and indivdual forms of oppression, both explicit and implicit.
The Humanitarian Alliance champions inclusion and fairness for all.
Ecological Justice is the respectful and sustainable treatment of all living beings and systems, including animals, forests, grasslands, deserts, waterways, oceans and the atmosphere.
The Humanitarian Alliance recognizes that human comfort and safety can, and should, coexist within a robust, thriving and biologically diverse ecosphere.